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  Mission Statement  

John Adams High will provide a safe, supportive learning environment with opportunities for each student to develop the skills and knowledge to become a responsible, successful citizen.

  About The School  

Welcome to John Adams High School

Image for Welcome to John Adams High School

Welcome to the 2009-2010 school year at John Adams High School.  We are pleased to have more than 1450 students registered here this year.  We have the most qualified staff statewide.  We are proud to offer the best in academics, and are proud to support all of our groups, from Fine Arts to Sports.  Our Staff lovingly promotes our Mission Statement.

Please feel free to visit our campus, and if you are interested in more information about our school and enrollment, please visit "Parent Info" located on our site.

Tina Owens, Principal
John Adams High School


Once again we won the state cribbage championship!

How We Rank

Blue Ribbon School
Blue Ribbon School

John Adams consistently ranks first in the Emerald City district in all testing categories. We also rank as one of the top high schools in Illinois and one of the top 100 high schools in the country. We are very proud of our students and faculty that work hard to excel.

We are also a Blue Ribbon School. The Blue Ribbon Schools Program honors public and private K-12 schools that are either academically superior in their state or that demonstrate dramatic gains in student achievement.